Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Summer 2006 Goals

(for self or buddies)
~Work and save up money. Save, save, save.
~Buy a couch for my room.
~Buy a small battery-operated radio for The Boat.
~Run, run, run!
~Go back to Washington
~ROAD TRIP!! (Like Moab or St. George--seriously!)

Uh....that's all I have for now, but if you have any other ideas ladies (you know who you are mi, b, kates!!) or just anyone, let me know!!! Love ya!


At 10:09 PM, Blogger Miru said...

ROAD TRIP!!!! wa hoo! i say we do it! uh....if i have anymore ideas, i'll let you know..

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Miru said...

ROAD TRIP!!!! wa hoo! i say we do it! uh....if i have anymore ideas, i'll let you know..

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Miru said...

ROAD TRIP!!!! wa hoo! i say we do it! uh....if i have anymore ideas, i'll let you know..

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Miru said...

woa... it published like 3 times... odd ....

At 3:41 PM, Blogger 9c said...

that means that you really want to go on that road trip, eh?

At 8:02 PM, Blogger nicole said...

ya you should visit Washington! I think it's so beutiful! Oops! Hey well maybe you could comment me on my blog because it is alot easier for me to comment you back! thanks!

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Miru said...

heck yes I do! maybe it was a sign... lol! where would we go though? somewhere with a pool where we could get super super tan and have so much fun and goof off and it'll be warm and it'll just be us girls and YES!!!! i really do want to!!!
i asked my mom like 4 months ago if i could ever go on a road trip... and she said yes, so i say we plan it! ... but we're not driving in the boat ok? lol

At 2:21 PM, Blogger 9c said...

WHAT?!?!? WE'RE GOING SOMEWHERE WITH A POOL AND WE'RE NOT TAKING MY BOAT?!?!?!?!?! lol jk AH mi i remember you saying that---that TOTALLY works this is awesome we're gonna have one heck of a summer! tell your mum she's awesome.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger nicole said...

Dude if you came here to washington and we saw eachother and we didn't know eachother but then you said some thing about this blog or me... ya that would be weird! I have no clue what i just said! creepy!

At 7:37 PM, Blogger miss terri said...

i'm going...home for summer. oh wait, i'm already there. yay. or maybe to potatoland.

At 8:31 PM, Blogger 9c said...

haha miamaid that would be funny!

At 10:59 PM, Blogger collinhead said...

provo. my vote is provo. theres this really nice place under a freeway overpass.. we could meet the bums and... light a fire.. over by my dad's old work. one time this crazy lady barged in and tried to call 911 cuz of "trouble all around her".. i mean, wow, this place is amazing. if you go there be SURE to take ME!!!

At 11:14 PM, Blogger nicole said...

Hi. I'm bored comment me some more!

At 11:57 PM, Blogger miss terri said...

yus! hitchhike to provo and hang out by the railroad tracks. make a duct tape belt and sew up a nasty pair of pants and just wander around in a daze for a while. or dress up classy and try on the $200 clothes at nordstrom, runway them in/near the dressing room, then walk out and smirk at the salespeople. haHaHa! walking backwards through a supermarket, or putting all your clothes on backwards. dude, i am the ruler of all the inocent bizarrity that you can do in a public place. oh! one of the best: hide in one of those racks of clothes and as people walk by you wisper, "pick me! pick me!"

At 12:12 AM, Blogger Kates said...

But Missy! You and Neins can tan, but I'm the pale one! :( That's one of my 100 goals for sociology... "get a tan". I'll turn out being a lobster w/cancer, that's what'll happen

At 1:25 AM, Blogger 9c said...

psh me? tan? RIGHT honey that only comes after a LOT of burnage...

At 12:18 PM, Blogger nicole said...

Hey miss terri you had some pretty good ideas. I may use one someday! I think I'll hitchike to Provo!:P LOL!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger nicole said...

9c Look on my blog it soooo funny!


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