Saturday, January 21, 2006

Aidez moi...aidez moi...

J'ai...quelque chose--je ne sais pas le mot--j'ai (quelque chose) quelqu'un...un je ne sais pas quel faire. Comme j'ai dit a ma soeur, il n'est pas un garcon qui, si je l'avais vu au lycee avant Vendredi, je n'aurais pas le regarde deux fois! Mais, parce qu'il etait si gentil, si chouette, a moi, surtout a moi...comme une autre fille que je connais, ne sais pas, peut-etre, je commence a l'aimer? C'est vrai?

Je me dit, beaucoup, que je ne l'ai imagine que. Non, c'est vrai. Ce n'est pas mon imagination. D'accord, je dit qu'il est un garcon qui est gentil pour tous les filles. Mais non. Parce qu'il ne faisait pas attention, beaucoup, aux autres filles....

Ok you know what? My french gets worse and worse as I try to go along, getting this out what's been building up inside of me...the words and thoughts are coming faster than I can's not really working.

Why is it in French? I don't know. I guess this could be another strange thing I've been doing lately. Whenever I become passionate about something, whether I'm angry or just have to get my feelings out, I scream French. That's the very first thing that comes to my head, and the very first thing that comes out. The first line that I wrote has been repeating itself over and over inside my head all day. What's going on? What is happening? And what was with Friday night and...him??? Somebody that was there, please help. You were able to see from the outside in. Please...


At 10:25 PM, Blogger collinhead said...

holy french.. holy garcon.. holy i can't understand a lick of it. stupid french. and i dont even know who the guy is. lamecore.

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Miru said...

D'accord nancy, Je ne parle pas francais tres bien et tu le sais, alors je vais le essayer en francais...parce que je suis chouette... jk! .. ahh! pas englais!
je suis desole de heir soir! je m'endormais alors j'ai ne te aide pas tres bien... mais, aujourd'hui, me telephoner ou c'est me apeler... je ne sais pas.... tu comprende qu'est que je dis... mais, me telephoner et je te aiderai parce que c'est ne aider pas pour moi parler francais.... l'homme, je suce!
je t'aime beaucoup!!

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Kates said...

:( I'm not a frenchie, so I am super lost. Oh well, I know the jist of it cuz we talked. hahaha... gotta love how he was a frenchie w/his hat that night

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Miru said...

oh yes... and he was born in paris!

At 2:48 PM, Blogger 9c said...

haha yes i made fun of him because of that...

thanks guys i'm glad you could help with all this french haha!!

At 4:32 PM, Blogger nicole said...

Whoa french! I don't have a clue of what you said! I'm not in french or any language fro that fact! So what school do you go to? Do you know any ficklins? What ward do you go to? The reason I'm asking is cuz my mom is in utah. Wait is orem right by salt lake?

At 5:09 PM, Blogger 9c said...

haha whoa girl slow down!! i go to mt view in orem, no i don't know any ficklins, park 5th, and lol sorry, but orem is about a 45min-1hr drive away from SLC. compared to places like ST GEORGE, orem could be right next to SLC, but for the most part, no it's not.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger nicole said...

Who said anything about stalking? I was just trying to get to know some one that I just met!
Ok well now you are probably wondering about me! Ok I go to West Valley, I'm in yakima 4th ward, and um......... What else do you want to know?

At 7:30 PM, Blogger 9c said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU LIVE IN WASHINGTON?!?!?! i know it's a big state, but hey, this is worth a try. i have FAMILY that lives in washington!! how close are you to tacoma? or seattle? or OLYMPIA???

At 8:42 PM, Blogger collinhead said...

well i got most of that misy french though, lol :) i'm not quite frenchie enough for this type of conversation.. i put it through though.. just made me more confused. hehe.. well i feel bad now cuz i think i made fun of the wrong person on this blog already :D hehe.. oh well.

At 8:51 PM, Blogger nicole said...

We are 3 hours from tacoma, about 5 or 6 hours from seattle! I don't know about Olympia! I have family who lives in Puallup! They are closer! WOW what a small world!

At 9:30 PM, Blogger 9c said...

yes, i believe so. shall i update him right now, or wait till school?

At 9:30 PM, Blogger Kates said...

Neinsi, I think Collin is confuzzled about your current issue!

At 6:06 PM, Blogger miss terri said...

umm, i'm slightly confuzed. taking ap spanish doesn't really do anything for my french skills. amicus or amaya would understand though. i'm so lost.

At 8:00 PM, Blogger nicole said...

Hello? Is anyone listening to me or are you just not going to answer how in about 3 hours away from tacoma and stuff!

At 9:42 PM, Blogger collinhead said...

yes collin is quite confuzzled.. but what else is new i'm always confuseded and confuzzled

At 10:15 PM, Blogger 9c said...

basically...i met this guy...we had a great time friday night...did i really imagine it? no, it really happened to me...and then i go on in english about how confused i am about the whole situation!

At 4:03 PM, Blogger nicole said...



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