My Sincere Apologies
So I just realized that I could have kept the same Neinsi thing and just added a new blog, instead of creating a WHOLE ENTIRE NEW THINGY (for 9c) and making it difficult-er for my friends to navigate around...
I think my main reason was probably because I really didn't want Rich finding it. I don't know what it is, but I really have something against that man. And now I have to spend money on him for a stupid grade. He really does think he's King of Mt. View. I say he teaches pre-school. See how he feels about that.
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If you have dish (sattalite) then go to the Bravo channel, There's a gymnastic skating spectacukar!
HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAHH! oh man... but hey, the A is worth it right?
pre-school... wow, i think he'd die.. eaten alive by the children...
LOL, LOL!!! That's freakin' hilarious. It's too true...haha
oh wow, such harsh words.. i haven't heard one thing about mr rich that wasn't ohhh he's so hotttt and i wannnttt himmmm and i'm like, oh, gross, get a life. anyway, you're hillarious 9c i just wanted to comment your.. blog.. deal.. oh yeah, i have one now, just so you know. katie ann inspired me. well laters!
so pretty sure i'm having so much fun commenting on all these random peoples blogs now... like this miamaid girl and miss terri and hollywood girl, aka, sarah.... ya ya, we should hunt down other cool ppl and comment on theirs too... lets do it 9c, it's a plan!
9c! It's me! So, haven't heard from you in a while! So did you get that comment about the show? I thought it was good!
YEAH haha heck yes it's been WAY fun snap it really takes effort to keep up with all these comments...whew...
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