Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I'm pretty sure I'm not liking being an artist right now, because now I know how and why those poor people are so crazy! So I was sitting at the computer, waiting for a certain time to roll around so I could switch my brother's laundry for him because he needed some clothes for tomorrow...anyways as I was sitting at the computer, a thought came to my head. I had to grab my music book before I forgot it, and before I knew it, by 2am I had arranged all of Kurt Bestor's Angels We Have Heard on High for violin (Crazy #1), including writing it down (Crazy #2)!!! I couldn't stop myself, especially since I didn't want to lose that train of thought, which turned out to be AWESOME and I am so excited to see what it sounds like! Yes, I arranged it without using the piano once (Crazy #3). Then I just had to type up that letter to Bro. Lowe (Crazy #4), because I didn't want to lost that train of thought either, especially with the Spirit working on me like that. So I wrote the letter and then what did I have to go do? I had to get red paper (sneaking into my slumbering parents' room--quite difficult [Crazy #5]) to fold the letter in as a make-shift, olden day envelope, the kind they would use with the WAX (ooh I wish I had some of that stuff...). And I could have stopped there, but NOOOOOOO. I went and got the hole punch (from my parents' room again of all places!!! [Crazy #6]) and punched holes on the top flap. Now, I planned on punching holes on the bottom portion, but the area was a little out of the hole punch's reach. Stupid me ended up grabbing the scissors to poke a rather crude hole and ended up lightly slicing my finger (Crazy's #7 and 8). No worries--no blood. So I grabbed my mechanical pencil to finish on the 2nd hole. Then I had to go downstairs and get some, oh yay, Christmas-colored yarn (Crazy #9!). I threaded the yarn through the holes to close the envelope, and I'm actually very proud of my work. It looks WONDERFUL and I'm so excited to give it to him. It's just that now it's 3:30am and I still have to get a shower tonight because if I wait til tomorrow I'm going to end up waking up late and getting late to PE, which is the last thing I need. Yeah, I'm gonna go. Crazy #10.


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