Sunday, November 06, 2005

I'm pretty sure all my friends have a blog of their own, not including my stupid english one. I think it's about time I join the club and start writing about things that I (lots of emphasis there) want to write about, not what my english teacher wants me to write about. So I'm just wondering how everyone is going to find out about this one and if I'm even going to continue writing in this although I think I am because there's always things I have to talk about (trust me, everyone that knows me knows I talk) and this is gonna be about me and I just lost my train of thought...I'm kind of excited though because now there is no pressure whatsoever on this blog. Darn stupid other one I still have to keep up the WHOLE ENTIRE YEAR. Not fun.

So...I keep leaving my wallet with my friends and it always happens to be on Saturday night...

Oh I wonder what my blog is going to look like. I hope it looks cool. It better look cool. Or something. It's just gotta keep me satisfied and those who read my lovely blog satisfied. I really need to tell my friends about my brand new blog that I just made 5 minutes ago so they can come and read it and be happy like I'm being happy and they don't have to bother themselves with my boring english one. And I gotta add friends onto this blog, if that's even possible. Heck, I don't know how this system works. The only thing I do is get on and write a couple paragraphs. I've never concerned myself with all the little details before...

So I guess while I'm on here writing about whatever I feel like writing about (because that's what it's all about and who cares about stupid pots and pans anyways) I'm just going to admit right here and right now that I am in love with Cillian Murphy. I honestly think he's one of the uglier actors out there (he's not attractive in the least except for those gorgeous amazingly blue blue eyes and interesting lips...), but after watching Batman Begins and Red Eye I couldn't help but fall in love with this...really cool person. He's the perfect bad guy. He's not tall, dark, handsome (ok, not handsome, just plain scruffingly ugly), or any other characteristics you might happen to attribute with a bad guy. He is a very normal-looking person, yet he has the PERFECT bad guy look because, ok, bad guys anymore are not the weight-packing, cigar- smoking, stubble-growing men, because that just gets old. The perfect bad guy is the kind that you would least expect to be a bad guy, yet inside they are just so dark and ugly. They are so manipulative. They are persuasive. They are kniving. I really think it's his eyes. Ooooh, his eyes! And their outside appearance disguises them as the rest of the world so they can go on doing their dirty deeds and not once get suspected. In both movies, he completely threw me off. When it first showed him in Batman, I thought he was just some normal person that just happened to be a little corrupt because that's how the whole city was. And I definitely didn't think he was going to be a main character, except for that little itty bitty inkling in the back of my head that said, "Uh oh, potential trouble." It turns out he was one of the super bad guys, working only under the head honcho bad guy himself, whose name I can't remember. With Red Eye, had it not been for my friends telling me what the movie was about (a man stalks this woman onto an airplane and then threatens her to do a big no-no), I would have thought he was just a really nice guy, and oh, they were going to fall in love, oh, how precious, oh...and then BAM! I didn't even see it coming! He transitioned from Mr. Nice Guy to Mr. Bad Guy so smoothly that I had to look twice and say, "What the heck just happened?" That was pretty darn tricky. Either that, or I'm just way slow. So anyways, after reading this super long post (told you I don't stop talking!), and after becoming bored, tired, and slightly annoyed, I'll just leave with you that I am currently in love with Cillian Murphy. Kind of...


At 10:22 PM, Blogger Kates said...

Weirdo. :) I think he has pretty hot eyes and I thought he was kinda cute in Redeye. MUCH better then in Batman, where he's the man-with-eyeliner-on!


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