Run, 9c, Read...Run!
I agree with Missy about the running thing. It's terrible at first, but once you get going at it for a while, you really get used to it, and it becomes...enjoyable! I can't wait to go running again! And now I really understand why people that run a lot freak out when they skip a day. I've only gone once, but already today I was freaking out because I had all this energy that I had to get out! Also, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get any running in at all. I didn't want this to turn into a "Run 4 miles one day, skip the next couple of days, get back out of shape in the meantime, and then kill yourself trying to run 4 miles again" routine. This has to be an everyday thing in order to build up the endurance I need, and to get into shape for softball. Way to go Missy for pushing me like that! Whooo!
(ack I can't type my arms are shaky from pushups!!)
So I, Miss Analogy, have come up with a few different things that I can relate this too, some being inspiring and encouraging, and some rather guilt-trippy.
#1) Having to run 4 miles every day is like digging 5x5 holes everyday. The first hole feels like the worst day of your life, and you are sore as heck afterwards. However, they say the second hole is the worst. The next day, you will be extremely sore, yet you still have to dig that hole. You still have to run those 4 miles. It's painful, but after several days of doing this over and over again, your body gets used to it and the going isn't quite so bad. Running is like digging holes.
#2) Now here comes the bad part. I can't just run 4 miles one day, then rest the next few days thinking it'll hold me over. It won't. I'll get out of shape, I'll get back lazy. One day will not cut it. I have to keep constantly running day after day to get my body used to it and to get stronger. I have to keep working those muscles and lungs. Now I compare this to scripture reading. I admit I am guilty to this. I read a lot one night, and then because I'm thinking I'm "ahead," I'll just procrastinate reading the next day or two, only getting a few verses here or there. It just doesn't work like that. Our spirit grows hungry every day, just like our bodies get hungry. Our spirits dwindle when we don't constantly continue reading every day, just like our muscles do when we don't work them constanty every day.
#3) This one is just a random thought. At the beginning of the run, I'm fresh, and I feel like I can run anywhere, but by the end, I'm very weary and feel like I'm going to collapse at any moment. Such is the case in the Book of Mormon with the Nephite armies. They marched a lot. After their marching, they are overtaken by the Lamanites because they are weary. Then another good army comes in to save them because they are fresh. Those are the exact words, and last night when I was running, it really hit home. This was exactly what these Nephite warriors had to go through. It was so hard for me, and I can imagine it would be very hard for them, especially to have to fight with those honkin' huge swords! Hey Buddy Nephite, I feel for ya.
I really wish I was a better writer. This stuff sounded a lot better in my head, but it always seems once I get it down in words they screw everything up because they're not the right words or phrased right to emphasize whatever I want to say. I look up to really good writers.
Ok I'm done.
hahaha... I wonder Neins... Good for you, but have you gone insane?!? lol, we already discussed this subj of running once tonight.
I love it nancy! love it! ... eesh, i'm guilty of that too, I'm on a total spiritual high, then i'm like "oh, i'm tired... ...morning" and i totally zonk out. it's terrible.
I would hate to be in a nephite army, i think they would fire me... because i would suck, lol
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