"Heartsounds" by David Lanz--find it and listen to it!
I stopped playing the piano in 9th grade.
In 6th grade, for hours on end, I would just sit at the piano and play. I'll admit, I gained a few extra pounds from all that sitting, but that's all I did. That was my life, that was my passion. I taught myself from the Complete Levels 1-4 from about 4th-6th grade. I took real lessons for a year to complete up to 6, but all I really learned was a few technicalities here and there. I taught myself how to play the piano, I was that determined. I could not stop playing. A four-octave keyboard with a broken key couldn't stop me. Broken fingers couldn't stop me.
So why did I stop playing the piano in 9th grade?
My life turned upside down in 9th grade. I was on top of the school and had the time of my life. I had a best friend that almost knew me as well as I knew myself, and vise-versa. But the more I hung out with her, the less I played the piano. The less I read my scriptures. The less I said my prayers... There he sat, my dear, precious piano, collecting dust. I told myself I stilled played, but I didn't. I would go weeks without playing a single note at home, for myself. I played for choir and church constantly, but that didn't count.
I finally realized a little into my junior year in high school that this friendship wasn't going to work. I might have done it a little too harshly, but I had to end it. All it did was pull me down, further and further. I couldn't carry this burden around any longer. It hasn't even clicked until now, this very instant, as I am typing this paragraph, that something wonderful has come from that. I ended it with her, and suddenly, I am becoming so much closer to my friends at school. I am meeting so many new people, I can't even keep track of them all. And most importantly, I'm reading my scriptures again, and I'm praying. I still struggle, but I am doing it.
And I play the piano again. For the first time in over a year, in October, I sat down at the piano, and I played. I played until my back ached. I played until my eyes dried out. I played, I played, oh I played. And how wonderful it felt. I had not had so much joy in my life before. The world was falling apart all around me, and still is, but in my heart, there is peace when I play. I play for the music. I play for the feel of my fingers over the keys. I play for the feelings in my heart. They slide down my arms and come out my fingertips. And mostly, I think. I ponder, I meditate. I realized that I had not sat down and actually just thought since I had stopped playing the piano. And now, I can't stop it. I am constantly playing now. I sit down, alone with myself and my thoughts, and I play for hours on end. This is no exageration (sp). I literally play for hours on end. I play so much, I have a tendency to cut it close with getting to work on time. I'll admit, I have put on those pounds I lost in 9th grade, but I don't care--it's worth it. It's worth all the world to me to just take those few hours a day and play.
One other secret I'll share with you: I play more when I like a guy. And you cannot even begin to imagine how much I have been playing the piano since last Friday. I have a couple songs that I just LOVE to play that are perfect to describe my feelings for this guy. It's just one part of a song, and I play it over and over and over again, and I'm sure my family is sick of it, but that's all I can say about him. There's one particular song...it's called Wedding Rain, and it is beautiful. It's a really long song, but there's one part that I absolutely love to play over and over again, and everytime, I think about him. I think of what could happen, what will happen, will anything happen? I think of our friendship. I think of his personality. I think of everything. That song reminds me of him. Sometimes, I ask myself, do I really like him? And then I think of him and his smile and just his complete and utter awesomeness, and I say, Yeah, I like him. And sometimes, when I'm really in one of those moods, I play the whole song. It is so beautiful. It's so soft, so peaceful, and constantly moving. Yet, there is a sort of mysterious edge to it, a few of those minor sounding chords in there, that just say...I can't describe it. You just have to listen to it. It is perfect, and I intend to memorize that one part so I can play it for everybody!
So, before I make this any longer, and before people (aka my dear loyal readers) start gouging their eyes out (love you mi!), I'm just going to say one more thing: Maybe I would care a tiny bit, but even if he turns out to like someone else, or no one at all, I won't die. All I ask of him is a friendship that we will keep, hopefully, for a very long, long while. I want to kidnap him at 10pm on summer nights and go somewhere, and just talk for hours. I want to talk with him, just talk and talk. The poor fellow, he doesn't even realize how often I talk about him.
Thanks again for listening.
Hi i'll comment you after church I have to go!
oh nancy, i love you!
I think that whenever something new has entered into your life and you have no way to express it, it comes out through the passions that one is dependent on or engrossed in.... you have a beautiful talent that you can express yourself through, I think it's wonderful and yes, I love that song!
hey Ok so anyways I got a picture of me on my blog so if you want to see it!
I love how whenever mia comments, it never has anything to do with the post... it could be the most depressing blog ever, and she would just say something random and happy, makes me laugh
oh seriously way to break the ice mia!
i wish i could play the piano.. i'm pretty sure i'm like a level.. 1. maybe 2.. well i dunno i picked up a level 3 book today and played okay. you should teach piano lessons or something cuz you blow me away.. that time you sat at ayisha's piano and just sight read some song perfectly that i swear i couldn't even play after a year of practice.. lol.. when i like someone i don't play the piano i'm jsut generally happier :D actually i have been playing the piano a lot lately.. wlel show me that song i love beautiful piano songs :D and i'm gonnna leave before people start.. gouging their eyes out... :P laterz
hahahha! yes! my saying is starting to spread!
It's to long my eyes started to go cross eyed! LOL :P I'm kidding! Ya well I play the piano too! Although i did quit lessons in 8th grade but i still play and i'm now about a level 4! When i quit i was only at the beggining of level 3! So ya I've gone a long way... Pratice practice practice! That's what my teacher always said! I disliked her very much! So was so pushy! well was that good enough for saying something that has to do with the blog?
wow that was weird...ok well ANYWAYS what i was going to say was:
HAHAHAHA oh miamaid you make me laugh so hard!! i love you to death! yes, very good job at having it relate to the blog, but hey, you don't have to do that just because we say so! go and do your thang, girl!!! we love you!
O kay! I feel soooooooo loved! So anywho... Oh did you look at my picture? Cause i really want you too!
HEHE! Oh ya so tommorow is school and i'm not excited for it!
Hey when you comment me I was wondering if you would mind commenting on my blog! Well you see it's easier for me to comment you! You know!
Nancy...so here we are at Missy's and you're playing your beautiful song in the background...you're so talented. I love it! I know what you mean though... I do that with my harp alot, too. Not lately though, I've been too busy with work. (blech) Anyway, I love you! and now we need to go to school
i miss passionate piano playing. my brother would do that, and i used to just sit there watching and listening to him play. he broke 8 keys. i wish that i could play. i'm way worse than collin. i'm not really sure what my output is. i guess that it could be dancing. that's why i hate team. in a class they teach you steps, giving you words to speak when you dance. with the team, it's all choreographed, telling you how to feel, and it's the same day after day. it's boring.
Ok if you won't comment me I will comment you! So what have you been doing I need an up date!!!
I won't be able to comment you tommorow evening or sat morning. Well see I'm going on a young womens camp out. It's at a lodge! See ya!
Comment me!
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