Down in the Corner of my Room
I can still write my deepest, darkest feelings, but you say I worry too much anyways, and you're sick and tired of hearing about him--again.
Because he's all I can think about right now. Because I don't want to like him, but everytime I think I'm over him, I end up thinking about him. Like today. Like yesterday, like last night, like today. I don't want to like him...
All I want is a hug, and for him to just hold me tight, while I cry on his shoulder. I want to cry. Because I messed up. Because I made a mistake. But will he even care? He doesn't care. He never lets me talk. He's always talking. He doesn't listen. I. don't. like. him..
He breaks my heart. I broke my own heart.
Are they even sorry they did it? Oh sure. Yes, Mrs. Mathews. I understand, Mrs. Mathews. Of course, Mrs. Mathews. Of course, of course, of course of course OF COURSE. You're not sorry. You break the rules all the time. What makes this any different? Half of you weren't even planning on going on tour anyway! You spoke, you agreed too much. Just shut your effin mouths and nod your effin sorry heads. I'm sorry, but these people make me mad. Fine, I'm angry at myself for doing this. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself, or maybe I'm being too hard on these people, but how can I trust these people that are known to break the rules? How are people going to be able to trust me, someone they knew that doesn't break the rules?? I've ruined my highschool career. I've ruined my college career, or maybe a scholarship opportunity. Who's going to look at someone with something like this on their record?
I messed up, and I can't even talk to my own mother about this.
And it's probably too late to call K, but I'm calling anyways. And I still have homework. And I have to go in early to take the Psychology test. And I freaking go to St. George on Thursday, thus missing 2 more days of school! Thank you, but I don't need this right now. I just don't.
So hate me for writing this stuff down if you want. Criticize me for putting into words what should just be kept to myself. Talk about me behind my back. Go ahead and just don't care about me. This is my blog, and like K said, if you have any problems with that, then you don't have to read it. So let me write whatever I d*** feel like. Because I don't need this. I need you guys, but I just don't need this.
it's good to get it out. there are worse places that it could go.
it's okay. love's hard, life's harder. don't worry about it, but don't forget to be happy too. thanks for trusting me with your thoughts.
oh nanc, i really feel terrible. is it going on your record? oh man, i didn't know it was this serious... i feel bad.... you know you can call me anytime in the wee hours of the morning (beauties of a cell phone) and just vent and vent and vent to me and i'll just listen cuz that's what i'm good at... just listening.... so you can just scream and yell and cry and I'll be there for you, cuz i love you so much and i want to help you and i want to be there for you. I hope you feel better when you get back... call me when you do...
i love you!
Ok has my comment been deleted? or did it just not show up?
oh wait your one person I did get a comment from!oops
but you still have to comment me!
Oh sweetie. I'm sorry. They're all butt heads and I basically hate them. But...on the upside: NO ONE mentioned this going on our record, so I REALLY doubt it's going on it. The only thing we have to worry about is our chances for Chamber. I don't think Mathews will hold this against us since we're first time offenders, but... I really don't know. Yeah, we made a stupid decision in going w/people who we knew would break the rules, but really. We didn't do anything wrong, hun. Yeah...broke the rule. BUT. We're still being treated way too harshly. Whit G. did the same thing w/the boys cabin at cleer creak and no one got in trouble. Casey V. did at MUN and no one cared. So we shouldn't get such harsh punishment. I hope that makes you feel better. I'm still mad, but the only thing I'm worried about is chamber. But... I think if we show to Mathews how sorry we were and it was a one-time fluke...we'll be fine. I hope.
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