Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Until I get those piccy's from Pauly from Sweethearts, this will have to do...not really, I just felt like posting a picture of myself. It's a year old, but that's ok, I pretty much look the same anyways, maybe. And don't worry, I really do know how to smile. It's the only picture I have of myself right now, actually. Because no one likes to give me their pics from their digital cameras...and I'm bored. Really, really bored. And I still have to write a blog on neinsi for last week and this week. And I still have some homework to do. And I'm bored? I love my necklace.


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Miru said...

i do it all the time!!!
but oh baby! you are hot! sizzle!

At 11:51 AM, Blogger nicole said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH You got a picture of you and for when you comment people!!!! I'm soooooooooooo proud of you! So now I know what you look like! Your really pretty! I like your hair! So anyways I am having a good day! I don't know why either! I think it's because.... I don't know! I'm so clueless!

At 5:12 PM, Blogger Noelle said...

woa! Now I know what you look like too!

At 7:28 PM, Blogger miss terri said...

i like putting names to faces. it helps with facial expression and intonation. hahaha, i'm putting off homework right now!

At 7:40 PM, Blogger Miru said...

hahhaha! you should look at my pic! it's so hot.... lol, jk, you can't see my face, lol!
but you're hot! lol! i love it!

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Kates said...

Nancy's a hottie-peachie-ottie


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