Saturday, February 25, 2006

Standing as a Witness...Finally.

I don't know what to say. I don't want a boyfriend. And I just realized I have been wearing my CTR ring upside down. I don't want a boyfriend. This stuff is absolutely lame, and I'm not happy. Date around, just don't get involved and stuck with one person in high school. Don't limit yourself. Don't work over 20 hrs a week. If possible, try not to have a job except for summer. Don't limit yourself--highschool is a time to let go. Be happy. Enjoy life while you can. You're going to be working your whole entire life after highschool, so why work more than you need to now? You don't need all the money in the world, you just need your friends. That's friends with an s. A boyfriend limits these things. We've seen proof with some fellow associates. I want to flirt with any guy that I want without having to worry that I'm not being true to someone else. I want to talk to all my friends, and not worry that if I don't talk to him all the time, he won't ever like me. I want to relax and enjoy the moment. I don't need my mind filled up with things that'll limit me. I have the gospel. I have my standards, and I don't care what anyone says, I will stick with them, for myself, and for my friends, in terms of advice and helping them keep their own standards. No steady dating in highschool. I see it, and my hormones want it, but I don't. I want to keep the commandments, follow the For Strength of Youth Pamphlet. I know this church is true, and I will take it as it is. You don't need logical, scientific evidence for everything about the gospel. Some things are the way they are because that's the way God made them to be. So maybe someday science and the gospel will be on the same wavelength, but until then, I'm going with the gospel. Go ahead and read this, Paul Andrew Morrison. It might be for your own good. It's been fun, and I've definitely gained some important insights from it, but right now I need to focus more on my family, my friends, and my education. And most importantly, I need to focus on the gospel, because that's all my life is, and it's not going to change just for one stupid boy.


At 3:08 PM, Blogger nicole said...

WOW good advice!

So collin said that he's loosing half of his friends because of he's blog! What's going on? Not that it's any of my bussiness but maybe I could help with some stuff!

Comment on mine!

At 4:37 PM, Blogger miss terri said...


At 5:05 PM, Blogger Miru said...

bout dang well time you figured that out! goodness girl... lol... know i want to know why you wanted me to read that so bad...??

At 6:12 PM, Blogger 9c said...

mi, is there something you need to tell me...?

i dunno i just wanted you to read it so that you would know that i'm really through with this fellow. and these are my feelings about it...

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Miru said...

oh d'accord.... ya, no just that ...... ah! i don't remember! ..... give me a sec...

oh! just that it doesn't matter about pauly and you don't need to worry about him all the time because what happens happens and what matters the most are your relationships with friends, family and mainly the Lord. That should always be your number one priority. not saying that it wasn't. it's just that you worried so much about him all the time when it really didn't matter. well, i love you tons! and i hope that made sense to you, lol

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Miru said...

yes i know i'm hypocritical......

but hey, i had my "insight" too so now i'm good..... and i wasn't that bad was I? i dunno....

At 10:48 AM, Blogger Miru said...

about josh.... ya.... ok i'm done now

At 2:55 PM, Blogger 9c said...

no, you weren't bad at all. yes, i realize now that i was making it to be a lot more than what it really was, probably just because i'm slow and new at what a lot of people have already had experience with. like katie said, i guess i'm still the sane one, slow as i may be--still no boyfriend. but i'm fine with that. thanks, mi.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Kates said...

Amen, sista! I think we all figured this out this weekened. It has finally slammed itself into our brains: guys are lame, they take over our lives, and WE ARE TOO GOOD FOR THAT! I'm proud of you! :) And I declare that we start a club: the Single is SWEET club! haha...I don't want a bf throughout highschool. I doubt I'll have one again, but if I get anywhere NEAR close to getting one, you smack me.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger nicole said...


Why is it when i comment no one comments me back? UUUUGGGGHHH!

At 5:55 PM, Blogger nicole said...

Ya you should although...I just commented him and he has a new blog! So you should check it out!

At 11:19 PM, Blogger collinhead said...

thats deep. i wish i was mature enough to take people's advice like that, but sadly, it seems when i have a chance i take it. i wore my ctr ring (actually it was french clb.. choisi le bon?) upside down during a lot of 9th grade.. lol.. good job for being strong in your beliefs its something a lot of people our age are not able to do..

At 2:20 PM, Blogger miss terri said...

hooray for ethics!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Noelle said...

Which way is upsidedown?

Anyway, I've thought about it a lot...because I've seen all the negative effects, and I know it's something we're counseled not to do. Still, I can see how it would be REALLY tempting. I mean, most of the time I think "woa, that's prolly not something you two should be doing in high school..." but then a lot of the time I just get to thinking "lucky...". I know it's bad to think, but sometimes I just REALLY like, I guess, way to go, hopefully we'll all be able to stick to our goals, and resolutions, blahdy blah. Oh, yeah, if I ever get close to having a boyfriend, you guys can all toilet paper my house then drag me out of bed and dump me in a vat of instant mashed potatoes. Sound good? hehe that actually sounds like fun

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Kates said...

Instant potatoes with an orangy tange...sounds interesting. ;) love ya, orange dear.


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