Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Last Post....Almost 5 Years Ago

I'm a little surprised Blogger is still letting me have access to these blogs. You see the title - the last post I ever wrote on this blog was 5 years ago! Wow.

This was my main blog in high school. My friends and I did what we could before there was Facebook, and so thanks to Mr Rich, we blogged. I'm really grateful I did, because I've had some pretty entertaining times reading back through everything! Each post has brought back a lot of memories, and for a time when I wasn't very good at keeping a journal, I'm glad I had this blog to record my memories. Not to mention I have recorded much more emotion than I ever would have had I handwritten everything down....needless to say, I'm glad I have these blogs.

So where am I now?? Well, I am 24 years old. I have been graduated from high school for 6 years this coming May. I married my high school sweetheart (who wasn't really my high school sweetheart, but I loved him then all the same), Scott Benson, on February 19, 2010. I also went to college at Utah State University from 2007-2009 where I studied Choral Education/Voice. I had some of the best learning experiences of my life during those 2 years. Now we have a daughter named Hailey who turns one next month. Time sure flies by when you're having fun!

So let me share with you now...what I've been wanting to do for a really long time: A Personal Survey!!!!! So bear with me as you did all those forwarded emails sooo long ago when everyone would ask you what you were currently wearing or who your favorite actor was. Ready? Go!
What are you currently wearing? (I had to ask it!) Currently...sweats and a sweater. I also have a blanket wrapped around my legs. With single digit weather outside, you do what you gotta do.
Speaking of weather, how is it? Pipe-freezing cold. Snow everywhere. PERFECT winter conditions. And of course, the must-have Utah inversion.
Favorite Movie? "Everything You Want" (I think it's now called "Love Surreal". It's an ABC movie. This is actually called "My Favorite Movie"), "The Decoy Bride" (also known as "My Equal-Favorite Movie") and "Independence Day".
Favorite Book? "Mrs. Mike" hands down. I love the relationship between the husband and wife and the experiences they have together that help them grow stronger.
Favorite Band/Artist? Panic! At the Disco. Has been and always will be since high school. Favorite artist is Imogen Heap. I love her so much!
Favorite TV Show? NCIS, West Wing, and...yes, I'll say it. Dr Who. The old and new, but mostly the Rose Tyler-Era, aka doctors 9 and 10. Love you, David Tennant....
Most Embarrassing Moment? My freshman year at college, I was still a little shy and already had a major crush on a guy in several of my music classes. One class in particular was held in a room with a linoleum floor and old desk/chair combinations. In high school, the desks had legs supporting the front. At Utah State, the design was much different. As we were standing up waiting to get our tests back at the end of class, I decided to be cool and sit up against one of the desks. With no legs under the front to support my weight, the desk/chair flipped right up and I fell flat on my rear-end - right in front of my crush. Noisy and ultra-embarrassing.
Most Memorable Vacation: In the fall of 2009, my family took our last family vacation together with all 8 of us. Our final destination was Olympia, WA where my grandparents lived and Thanksgiving awaited. But with a week ahead of us, we took our time driving up. My dad drove the pickup that hauled the long trailer (that slept our family of 8 perfectly - 4 girls in the back on the bunkbeds, my bunk covered in pictures of Scott, of course; table and couch converted for Greg and Tom; and the regular bed for my parents), and Greg drove his car. The truck held me, Mom, Dad, and Oy and Greg had him, Tom, Jenn, and Heather. We drove west on 1-80 until we hit California, and then we mosied on up for the next few days through Napa Valley, the Redwood Forest, the Oregon Coast/Lincoln City, and the famous (and delicious!) Tillamook Cheese Factory. We played music, watched movies, and Candice introduced me to the best movie score every, "The Holiday" by Hans Zimmer. The drive was relaxing with no pressures of time. It was an amazing trip, one that I don't think can ever be duplicated.
Something you wish you did better? Right now, I need to eat better, exercise better, and get to bed earlier.
Something you are grateful you do well? I am grateful I have established good habits of journal-writing and saying my prayers. I am also OK on scripture-reading and saying family prayers.

I hope you enjoyed these fun little tidbits about me!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Where Has the Time Gone??

I can't believe high school is over.

And I'm in college now.

Sorry, that's random, but it was so weird. I was just sitting here listening to some Eric Whitacre and suddenly this flood of memories from high school and an old street in between my neighborhood and the high school (specifically 400w right by the elementary parking lot) came rushing back to me and I realized....I can't believe I've gone through and am completely done with high school now. It went by so fast--where did it all go!! Such good times to think back on. Such good times :)

And now I'm sitting here in a university library away from home, on my own and going to college with the rest of the adults here. Wow.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Hey for all you blogger people that still care to check my blogs! I just have an announcement to make:

I got a scholarship to Utah State University up in Logan, UT to sing in their music department! I'm so excited!!!!!!!! :D

Thanks all for listening, and have a great day!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Read my new blog.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I am Naneki Elikapeka Ohumukini. Behold my new post.

Never go to your Hawaiian Family Reunion and expect to come back skinny. It's not going to happen.

I think the joy of Blogging has lost its, well, Joy. Maybe not with other people, but with our friends, Blogging's 15 minutes of fame died 14 minutes ago. I don't know, I don't really know what to say. I could say I'm pretty busy and eventful with my life right now, but I'm really not. I could say I have a lot on my mind right now, but I really don't. In less than 7 hours, something has the potential to change my life, but I don't care. Not that my mind is blank, it's just clear. No jitterbugs, no twitterpations. Not even butterflies of anticipation or dread. I don't know if I'm still annoyed with him, or if I really don't want anything to do with him in my life anymore because I have moved on and he is something of my past. Is this going to be one of those things where I'll change my mind when I actually see him in person? How is that supposed to work? Questions, questions.
Has he changed at all?
Will he be any different?
Will I be what he expected? I've changed from the beginning of summer, physically, mentally, spiritually...the insides are ok, but what if the outsides aren't? For both of us?
What am I supposed to do, give him a big hug or just stand there and shake his hand?
Another thing that I'm worried about: of course I'm a girl, and pretty much as all girls do, we tend to like more than one guy and can't really chose which one we would rather get together with. I think, well, if I get together with Billy and find out Bobby really did like me, then Bobby would be sad and I would think, Snap, I ruined my chances with him, and vise-versa with Billy if I get together with Bobby. Life's like that, but it's not. Life's just all lame like that for a teenager and that's why they say avoid steady dating in highschool because highschool is a time for you to look around, to date different people and not be with one person and lose the chance of ever getting to know nice Johnny or Jimmy. I don't want a boyfriend.
But I like someone. I don't know if he likes me, but what if he does? The poor fellow has already gotten his heart broken, and I don't want to break his again. That's why I don't want him to come tonight with me, because I don't want him seeing me run off with someone else. I'm just meeting up with a friend, but even from the outside looking in things can be misinterpreted.
I don't know.
Maybe I'm just making a whole bigger deal out of this than what it really is. Maybe I'm freaking out here about boys for nothing. I really like the BFG and I'm not sure I even care for TX anymore. And Foot Apparel is out of the question, laugh out loud. Maybe everything will be fine and all right and hunky dorey and we will all be friends with each other.

Maybe Snickers is the cutest dog ever.

~Signing off: Don't glue yourself down. Live life to the fullest and party like a rock star. Boom tikki, boom tikki.~

Monday, August 07, 2006

Holy Moses! Ok I'm weird

Holy I TOTALLY take back what I just said!!! Pretty sure the same day I write about my stupid mouse, my dad brought home a GOOD mouse with that sweet awesome LIGHT and wow now I'm happy. :)

She swallowed the dog to get the cat to get the mouse to get the spider to get the fly...but at least the mouse is eaten.

If I had a computer cat, I would feed my mouse to it. My mouse utterly sucks and I want a new one without that....ball. It gets stuck so much, and makes maneurvering that tiny little arrow into small places so difficult.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Sexy Sombrero Ai Ai Ai!!!!!!