Sunday, August 27, 2006

I am Naneki Elikapeka Ohumukini. Behold my new post.

Never go to your Hawaiian Family Reunion and expect to come back skinny. It's not going to happen.

I think the joy of Blogging has lost its, well, Joy. Maybe not with other people, but with our friends, Blogging's 15 minutes of fame died 14 minutes ago. I don't know, I don't really know what to say. I could say I'm pretty busy and eventful with my life right now, but I'm really not. I could say I have a lot on my mind right now, but I really don't. In less than 7 hours, something has the potential to change my life, but I don't care. Not that my mind is blank, it's just clear. No jitterbugs, no twitterpations. Not even butterflies of anticipation or dread. I don't know if I'm still annoyed with him, or if I really don't want anything to do with him in my life anymore because I have moved on and he is something of my past. Is this going to be one of those things where I'll change my mind when I actually see him in person? How is that supposed to work? Questions, questions.
Has he changed at all?
Will he be any different?
Will I be what he expected? I've changed from the beginning of summer, physically, mentally, spiritually...the insides are ok, but what if the outsides aren't? For both of us?
What am I supposed to do, give him a big hug or just stand there and shake his hand?
Another thing that I'm worried about: of course I'm a girl, and pretty much as all girls do, we tend to like more than one guy and can't really chose which one we would rather get together with. I think, well, if I get together with Billy and find out Bobby really did like me, then Bobby would be sad and I would think, Snap, I ruined my chances with him, and vise-versa with Billy if I get together with Bobby. Life's like that, but it's not. Life's just all lame like that for a teenager and that's why they say avoid steady dating in highschool because highschool is a time for you to look around, to date different people and not be with one person and lose the chance of ever getting to know nice Johnny or Jimmy. I don't want a boyfriend.
But I like someone. I don't know if he likes me, but what if he does? The poor fellow has already gotten his heart broken, and I don't want to break his again. That's why I don't want him to come tonight with me, because I don't want him seeing me run off with someone else. I'm just meeting up with a friend, but even from the outside looking in things can be misinterpreted.
I don't know.
Maybe I'm just making a whole bigger deal out of this than what it really is. Maybe I'm freaking out here about boys for nothing. I really like the BFG and I'm not sure I even care for TX anymore. And Foot Apparel is out of the question, laugh out loud. Maybe everything will be fine and all right and hunky dorey and we will all be friends with each other.

Maybe Snickers is the cutest dog ever.

~Signing off: Don't glue yourself down. Live life to the fullest and party like a rock star. Boom tikki, boom tikki.~

Monday, August 07, 2006

Holy Moses! Ok I'm weird

Holy I TOTALLY take back what I just said!!! Pretty sure the same day I write about my stupid mouse, my dad brought home a GOOD mouse with that sweet awesome LIGHT and wow now I'm happy. :)

She swallowed the dog to get the cat to get the mouse to get the spider to get the fly...but at least the mouse is eaten.

If I had a computer cat, I would feed my mouse to it. My mouse utterly sucks and I want a new one without that....ball. It gets stuck so much, and makes maneurvering that tiny little arrow into small places so difficult.