Monday, May 29, 2006

Que Pasa

Hey! It's been quite a long while since I have been on here and posted anything, so I should probably update you on what's going on in my life.

But I won't.


Alright, anywaaaaayzzzz....k this is already becoming a lame blog hahaha ok ok I'M DONE.

So I'm just bored, although I really shouldn't be because I really need to be studying for my finals tomorrow because I have THREE and they're all gonna KILL me getting ready for them...I'm not looking forward to them, but oh well. I'll just have to take it as it comes, if that makes any sense. One can only do so much preparing. Unfortunatley, I have not done enough. And I'll just have to go into school really early cuz it's my FIRST PERIOD and then I have to bring (oh CRAP and make stuff!!!!) for French, and I have to watch a movie scene and analyse it and type it up and what not and too bad all the stuff I need is in my PARENTS' room, I'm pretty much screwed over. Not really. I'm really too hard on myself. Let's just hope I can get to bed before M. Chaussures tries to leave me.

On a lighter note, I'm really liking this new keyboard we bought. Nicey-nice.

PS. I need to learn Spanish so I can speak to the dishwasher at my work because right now, the only thing I can say to him is "Huh??" and I look like a retard because he tries to ask me questions and I have NO clue what he's saying except for when he says "Nancy" and I really want to make friends with him because he always seems so lonely back there all by himself. So if any of you know Spanish (besides "burrito" and "taco") and are willing to teach me I would really appreciate it so I can communicate with him!!! Thanks!!